Sunday, July 26, 2009

It just hit me... I get it!

$30 per month = $6,000 per week. That is a pretty bold statement and most people will say to themselves, "another get rich quick scheme." To those people I say adiĆ³s, sayonara, auf wiedersehen, goodbye. You aren't even remotely interested in getting it and I don't want to waste your time.

Still reading? Then you are one of the select few that have what it takes to get it. You will like what you are about to read. It is the MRM system and it is simple math. Find two people per month that "get it" and within the next year you will be earning $6,000 per week. DirectMatches offers a different way to earn money in network marketing -- they call it MRM. It is an simple concept that I didn't truly understand until today. I guess I wasn't looking at it the right way. But now I get it and I will attempt to explain it.

With the DirectMatches MRM system you are working on two legs -- a right leg and a left leg. That's it, no circles to draw, no matrix just right and left legs. Each person that you refer will go into the weaker of those two legs and there is no limit to the number of people that you can have in each leg. When four sales occur in each leg (a cycle) you get paid. For the example above you get paid $30 per cycle. In addition, you get paid commission each time you personally sponsor an upgraded member.

So here it is, let's see if you get it. I am going to bring it down to simple numbers to make it easier to explain. I am actually seeing better results than this as you will soon see. I am an Executive on DirectMatches. I pay $29.95 per month. I personally sponsor two Executives each month. I get paid $15 each time someone I sponsor becomes an Executive. By sponsoring two people I just covered the cost of membership. I make sure that the Executives that I recruit also "get it" and do the same as me. Each leg is now growing exponentially. In a little over nine months I will have three thousand people in my legs and I will earn $6,000 per week. I know 3,000 people sounds a little crazy but consider this. I joined DirectMatches 9 days ago and I already have 94 people in my downline. My downline is exploding.

But here is the best part (for you anyway). Remember I only have two legs. Anyone that I personally sponsor has to go somewhere. With the MRM system they go into my downline -- that is you and the people that you are sponsoring. To put it another way your cycles will include people that I sponsored. Since my downline is exploding it will take you much less time to reach the $6,000 per week level.

Do you get it? Then join me today.

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